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Travel Of France On Its Own Routes

Самостоятельное путешествие в ПарижIn my famous phrase "See Paris and die," Ilya Erenburg has made all the sense that this city is so great, beautiful and self-sufficient, that after traveling here, it is unlikely that anything else would appear as significant. But after a Paris walk, life seems even more beautiful, and the desire to know new horizons is getting stronger. And that's one of the reasons to see Paris...

When do we go to Paris?

French capital is always beautiful. The springs on the boulevards are cashtans and their gentle and blue clouds are terrific with the Mayan outfit of charming paris. It's the summer best to go out on the Bullon Forest or watch the couples in love in Tuilri's garden. Autumn is the best time to walk around Sen on small crafts and photosses, and winter opens a Christmas festival with hundreds of fine trees and magical streets.

How do we get to Paris?

The flights of French and Russian airlines are carried out daily in Paris. The flight time is just under four hours. Each of the Paris airports to which the aircraft arrives can be accessed within an hour to the centre of the city on electric trains.

Housing question

When selecting a hotel, it is worth taking into account the area where it is located and the availability of a restaurant and other options. Drinking in Paris is possible on every corner, and at the price of the room, the absence of a restaurant in the hotel has a significant impact. The experienced tourists prefer the simplest hotel, but close to known sights. It saves not only money for travel, but also time that doesn't want to waste.

Bet you taste.

The French kitchen even knows those who are far from the questions of the cooking. The most expensive Parisian restaurants are focused on the Elysian fields, and accessible and democratic restaurants are on Montmartre. Still, a little bit of spectacles from this culinary is a chance in any city district. It's enough to get away from the popular sights and see where the usual Parisians go. They know where the most aromatic coffee and fresh croissants are, by the way, here to be served by breakfast.

Enlightening and fascinating

In addition to the creation of the great Eiffel and the Louvre in the French capital, it is worth looking at the Sobor of the Paris Bocomateri from the side of the Sene heating and giving power to the painters of Sacre Ker, who are only a few minutes and a couple of euros ready to paint the traveller portrait. This pencil masterpiece will help make all the other impressions of life a little lighter and pleasant.

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