Self-Sustained Travel Marches
Solar and bright Greece attends millions of tourists each year. Most of them rely on tourist agencies and acquire ready-to-read travel. For a certain fee, operators help with the documentation required, deal with the transfer and accommodation in the apartments. However, there has been a marked increase in travellers ' preferences in recent years. free holiday in Greece♪ It's usually middle-aged people who used a standard set of pleasures.
They're confident that they know languages, want to penetrate the country's colonite, and they're not afraid to leave the hotel in search of new impressions.
Organization of an independent visit to Greece The case is cotton, but it is costly to choose the optimum route and not to limit itself to the time frame of the normal tour. Self-sustained journey enables the best combination of beach rest with guided tours and sightseeing. If you wish, you can travel all over Greece to stay in different cities and stay where it's interesting or comfortable. Travel without a travel agency planned in advance has another pleasant bonus - lower cost.

With the development of the Internet, the organization of an independent visit to Greece has been simplified. Now all the journeys can be planned without leaving the house through sites offering hotel reservations and air tickets. You can look at a lot of options and choose the most appropriate. The only thing that's gonna have to get out of town is a visa, but this procedure won't take long.
The holiday in Greece is relevant from May to October, and the rest of the months of the journey should be devoted to the examination of the sights.
Greece is rich in sight and natural beauty, so it is unlikely that all its benefits for one journey can be assessed. The choice of the route may be based on the travel objective.
As a starting point for travel in Greece, many tourists choose Athens. From the capital, they are rebuilt tour in the historic places of Central and Northern Greece and, when they meet their need for new information, they continue to rest on beaches in the Athena area or on the Halkidiki beach. Options for combining rest in the Greek capital with a three-day cruise on small islands are also popular.
Tourists whose main purpose is to familiarize themselves with the country as a cradle of anti-civilization should spend time in Peloponnes. There is no such concentration of ancient monuments anywhere else in Greece. Traveling halfway through the famous Mikana, Sparta, Olympia and Korinf is best on a rented car.