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Responding To Independent Travel

The idea of creating a blog on independent travel with the child was with the birth of my child.
My baby was born in the middle of the summer of 2010. There was a terrible heat in Moscow, and adults literally float under the fallen sun and suffocated from the scary smoke of peaters. I wanted to take the baby as far as possible to save him from chaos and terrible weather jokes.

I decided to go to Turkey with the baby. Turkey was the lightest and fastest place to move a one-and-a-half-month baby without visa and family problems. When I was on the Internet for answers to a lot of questions in my head, I was puzzled. Since, unfortunately, I never found suitable feedback on travel with a child.
We still have a huge fear of traveling with a little child. Instead of useful feedback, I only found excuses from travelling abroad with a child.
It was then at the level of anxiety that there was a great desire to create a place on the Internet where useful and relevant information could be found as an independent journey with children responding to the most popular questions:
1. Where to?
2. What do you want?
3. How do you collect a travel kit with a child?
4. How to be on a plane and a train with a child?
5. How to find popular, not very popular or very unintended places to entertain a child?
6. How to act in unforeseen situations?
Most importantly, traveling with a child is not a heavy burden, but an excellent opportunity for parents and children to know the world.
MyTravelBaby's idea was born.
With a blog like a kid, you never know what it's gonna be like. That's what our blog is doing. He's not so much about the baby, it's not so hard to be with the baby on the way.

In my first year of life, my child was able to:
Flight on 10 aircraft;
Visited 3 countries (Russia, Georgia (2 times), Turkey (3 times));
Visited in 9 cities (Moscow, Syde, St. Petersburg, Istanbul (2 times 6 and 11 months), Tbilisi (2 times 6 and 11 months), Mzheta, Gori, Batumi, Poti);
Passed by car to St. Petersburg 15 hours and back 12 hours;

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